November is the 11 and that means Change.
Updated: Jan 2, 2022
Shhh can you hear it?
The sound of the winds of change…
To quote Bert from Mary Poppins;
”Winds in the east, mist coming in, like somethin' is brewin' and bout to begin.”
I have no idea whether we are receiving easterly or westerly winds but there is no escaping the feeling that something big is brewing!
Welcome to November the penultimate month of this endurance marathon of a year.
November is the month of lessons, of change and of learning what it means to trust ourselves again.
After the last month and our journey through the realms of overwhelm we are now knocking on the gates of unknown and untold possibility. These energies will play out on a personal level as well as the collective level. This might be the month that you begin to fully comprehend how the experiences you are personally having are showing up and being mirrored to you within the greater picture.
This just might be month that you take responsibility for your individual thoughts and and actions!
I really think it might be important to read the last line again!
The only person responsible for your life, your capacity to experience joy, to be healthy, to feel vibrant and ultimately to feel free is you.
This is all an inside job.
November is not a planning month.
Seriously, even though we are out of the retrograde season I would hold off on making any big decisions. Everything is likely to change.
It is however the month to “Let Go, Let God.”.
As humans we have a crazy concept of control. We believe we can control everything. Oh and we try so hard. We want to control each other, our partners, our children, our friends. We try manipulate each others thoughts through marketing and social media. It is true we are gullible and can fall into this trap of illusion. However when all is said and done the only thing you actually have control over are your own thoughts.
My advice or guidance (which I truly advise you take with a pinch of salt and always honour your sovereign self and truth fully) is that the next 30 days should be spent in reflection.
This is the month to observe, to listen, to find patience.
Fear is going to beckon you at every corner.
The key is to sit with your fears. Sit with them fully. Sit in the quiet and look at them.
Journal prompts to support this ritual;
What is my greatest fear, today?
What is the fear that I truly don’t want to sit with?
When did I first have this fear? And how has this fear effected my life?
What would happen if my fear became a reality? (write very honestly…be open to feeling it all)
What would happen if I never had the fear…again?
How would I live this life differently?
The Nemesis of Fear is Trust.
Trust Yourself.
Trust God.
Trust Mother Earth, Father Sky and Grandmother Moon.
Ask for guidance quietly from a place of trust not fear.
I believe this month holds the capacity for us all to experience a phenomenal shift. If you have been waiting for change, or waiting for a sign of where you need to go next it is coming.
It may also be that right now you are exhausted. Surrender to that too this month. Offer it all and ask your body what she needs. She will tell you so clearly if you find quietness and stillness and give her the space to show you. She will be so grateful to you for listening.
Here is a simple Kundalini Meditation that can support you.
Meditation for Trust
1. Sit in easy pose or in a chair.
2. Lift the arms up over the head with the left palm over the right. Thumbs are touching. The palms are down and over the crown area with the elbows slightly bent.
3. Whisper “Wahe Guru”, pronounce each sound and move the tongue and lips as you do. Chant slowly and meditatively.
4. The eyes stay slightly open and gazing at the upper lip or at a candle on the floor in front of you.
5. Meditate like this for 3 - 11 minutes.
Follow the meditation with quietness and journalling.
These words are offered to support you and your highest self.
They are offered with kindess and compassion and for the highest good of all.
May any healing that you experience be gentle and kind.
May all beings be happy
May all beings be peaceful
May all beings be free.
With love
Sam x