naam niranjan neer naraa-in.
rasnaa simrat paap bilaa-in. ||1||
naaraa-in sabh maahi nivaas.
naaraa-in ghat ghat pargaas.
naaraa-in kahtay narak na jaahi.
naaraa-in sayv sagal fal paahi. ||1||
naaraa-in man maahi aDhaar.
naaraa-in bohith sansaar.
naaraa-in kahat jam bhaag palaa-in.
naaraa-in dant bhaanay daa-in. ||2||
naaraa-in sad sad bakhsind.
naaraa-in keenay sookh anand.
naaraa-in pargat keeno partaap.
naaraa-in sant ko maa-ee baap. ||3||
naaraa-in saaDhsang naraa-in.
baaraN baar naraa-in gaa-in.
basat agochar gur mil lahee.
naaraa-in ot naanak daas gahee.
naam niranjan neer naraa-in.
rasnaa simrat paap bilaa-in. ||1||
naaraa-in sabh maahi nivaas.
naaraa-in ghat ghat pargaas.
naaraa-in kahtay narak na jaahi.
naaraa-in sayv sagal fal paahi. ||1||
naaraa-in man maahi aDhaar.
naaraa-in bohith sansaar.
naaraa-in kahat jam bhaag palaa-in.
naaraa-in dant bhaanay daa-in. ||2||
naaraa-in sad sad bakhsind.
naaraa-in keenay sookh anand.
naaraa-in pargat keeno partaap.
naaraa-in sant ko maa-ee baap. ||3||
naaraa-in saaDhsang naraa-in.
baaraN baar naraa-in gaa-in.
basat agochar gur mil lahee.
naaraa-in ot naanak daas gahee.


Before we were called Witches, we were called Women.
The Home Witch School is a gathering of women on each Solstice, Equinox and Midpoint sabbat's.
A total of 8 each year.
Each gathering will teach you the craft of of the cottage witch. Based on Three Foundations of Spirituality from Druid Mythology Hearth as Alter, Work as Worship and Service as Sacrament.
Gather with us each Solstice, Equinox and Midpoint occasion and you will learn the art of communing with nature through
Everyday Magic - Rituals
Prayers, spells, meditations & intentions
Making altars & adorning your home with purpose & to create magic
Aligning with Nature for the Southern Hemisphere
Becoming a medicine woman with food, plants, flowers & herbs
Understanding working with the elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Ether
How to draw, read and interpret oracle and tarot cards
Recognising talismans, animal totems, signs & gifts from nature​
Samford Valley (Sam's private home studio - address supplied when you book) 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Also live-streamed on Zoom from 6.30pm - 8pm with the recording emailed afterwards. Times provided are AEST (Brisbane). *dates may be subject to change.
June 21
Yule ~ Winter Solstice
August 5
Imbolc ~ The Beginning of Spring
September TBC
Ostara ~ Spring Equinox
November TBC
Beltane ~ The Peak of Spring
December TBC
Litha ~ Summer Solstice
February TBC
Lughnasdah ~ Harvest
March TBC
Mabon ~ Autumn Equinox
Samhain ~ The Witches New Year
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September 22 Spring Equinox ~ Bookings Closed
Bookings are now closed for upcoming gatherings.


Women are the cornerstone of community.
We are the healers, medicine bringers, carers, we curate the energy in homes, we bring people together. Our dinner table is the seat of conversation, therapy, new innovative ideas, the administration of our household, the place of gathering for celebrations.