Manifesting with the Moon + Beltane in the Southern Hemisphere
Your weekly lifestyle moon report for the Week Beginning Monday October 31, 2022.
This week on the Moon Diaries we are celebrating the magnificent holiday of Beltane + the first quarter moon PLUS Mars begins its retrograde. It's time to focus and look at life plans, goals and where can you give your childhood fantasies a reimagine to rejig your life's trajectory.
Beltane is the point between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice and is a festival to celebrate sensuality, fertility, bounty and abundance. In the ancient Celtic tradition, Beltane was a night of unchecked promiscuity and sexuality - a festive night of bonfires, pleasure and loving union ❤️
In the northern hemisphere it is Samhain and halloween, as Fall (Autumn) returns.
To the recording to receive the daily tantric numerology and tips for planning your week.
The Moon Diaries are a weekly look at the moon, nature and cosmic events to plan your week, calibrate your business or the business of the householder and to reharmonises with the cycles of natural law.
You can tune in live with us at the beginning of the week in our private Facebook group The Gathering or subscribe to YouTube or your favourite podcast channel to receive your weekly guide! Find a podcast channel here
Read more about Beltane in The Archive and receive your seasonal ritual to mark the season.
Many moon blessings, moon beings! See you next week live in The Gathering or afterwards on your favorite podcast app or YouTube xx
