The perfect storm - Mercury Retrograde & the Pisces Full Moon. The Moon Diaries Episode #12
Your weekly lifestyle moon report for the Week Beginning Monday September 5, 2022
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If your moon is in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces or Aries you are having a moon birthday this week!
Mercury Retrograde coincides with the Full Moon in Pisces. This is a week to really prepare your nervous system for a major energetic showdown this weekend. With the waxing energy of the moon building towards the full moon you might feel a little frantic, or like there’s not enough time to get everything done, it’s important to take it steady and prepare to surrender control over to intuition and emotions towards the end of the week.
Practice the meditation for when you don’t know what to do to support your nervous system this week and prepare for the epic full moon in Pisces with Mercury Retrograde this weekend.
Monday - Moon Day (Moon in Capricorn) 5/9
The Capricorn energy is practical and great for striving to make your goals. Set yourself up this week for a plan to take care of all loose ends - contracts, negotiations, unresolved discussions or arguments. Take care of your emotional needs so you can strategise how to handle the aspects in your life / home / workplace / business which are tricky and need to be finalised. Venus enters Virgo which brings an opportunity to look at things in your life differently. Chani Nicholas refers to this as seeing the beauty in things that the mainstream wouldn’t classify as beautiful. This is a real opportunity for you to rediscover your innate beauty that you have to offer to the world.
Tuesday - Mars Day (Moon in Capricorn) 6/9
Capricorn energy, mingling with the Mars fire is great to dig in deep and tie off those loose ends. Anything you’ve been avoiding doing you can find the inspiration to take care of, and you’ll be surprised how quickly it will fall into place.
Wednesday - Mercury Day (Moon in Aquarius) 7/9
The moon shifts out of practical, mountain climbing Capricorn and into the innovative sign of Aquarius. Look to your psyche for inspiration for problems you’ve not been able to solve and allow the futuristic aquarian downloads to surprise you with creative solutions.
Thursday - Jupiter Day (Moon in Aquarius) 8/9
Mercury will be in retrograde into Libra (justice, law, order & balance) from Friday until Sunday October 2 so you want to make sure all negotiations, contracts, legalities, discussions and disputes are settled by Friday, or organise your affairs so that you can let these rest over the retrograde period.
Friday - Venus Day (Moon in Pisces) 9/9
Mercury stations as the moon enters into Pisces and in the building of the full moon energy. We want to recognise achievements & accomplishments from this moon cycle and where can I start to release control over things that aren’t working or haven’t worked. Today you can start to be shown what’s broken, or is ready to be break.
Join us for the Online Full Moon Moon circle tonight 8pm AEST to use kundalini meditations, rituals and oracle cards to journey through this full moon process.
Saturday - Saturn Day (Full Moon in Pisces) 10/9
Today we are at the end of a cycle which started with the New Moon in Pisces in March of this year. Go back to your journal / calendar and look at what intentions you set, or what you were working on in March around the new moon and work through the contemplations of what has worked, what hasn’t and what the lessons are for you from this six month cycle. The keys to this full moon is learning to release control over to intuition and feeling all the emotions.
Sunday - Sun Day (Moon enters Aries)
Today might feel a little like everything has been put through the washing machine and has come out all fresh, clean and smelling lovely, just like the sun coming out the morning after a huge storm. Be mindful today to take things easy, this whole weekend it’s not a time for action but an opportunity for contemplation, realisation and surrender. Take some time to enjoy the ride.
Many moon blessings, moon moon! xx
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