The meanings behind each Day of the Week and how we can use them to support us.
The seven-day week has its origins in ancient civilisations and is believed to have evolved independently in different cultures around the world. It is incredibly hard to define the specific origins of the seven-day week, there are many factors and cultural influences played a role in its development.
1. Mesopotamia:
The ancient Mesopotamians, particularly the Babylonians, are often credited with the earliest known organised division of time into seven-day cycles. The Babylonians, who lived around the 18th century BCE, assigned each day of the week to one of the seven celestial bodies known to them—Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
2. Judaism: The Hebrew Bible describes the creation of the world in six days, with the seventh day being a day of rest, known as the Sabbath. This concept of a seven-day week was adopted by the Israelites and became an integral part of Jewish religious and cultural practices.
3. Hellenistic Influence: The Hellenistic period, which followed the conquests of Alexander the Great, spread Greek culture and language throughout the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond. The Greeks had a seven-day week, influenced by the Babylonians. The Hellenistic influence likely contributed to the adoption of the seven-day week in some cultures.
4. Roman Empire: The Roman Empire adopted the seven-day week from the Hellenistic Greeks. The days of the week in Latin were named after the celestial bodies associated with the planets: dies Solis (day of the Sun), dies Lunae (day of the Moon), dies Martis (day of Mars), dies Mercurii (day of Mercury), dies Iovis (day of Jupiter), dies Veneris (day of Venus), and dies Saturni (day of Saturn).
5. Christianity: With the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire, the seven-day week was further reinforced. The Christian tradition embraced the concept of the Sabbath, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the first day of the week, which became known as the Lord's Day or Sunday.
Over time, the seven-day week became widely accepted and adopted by various cultures, including those influenced by Christianity. Today, the seven-day week is the most widely used system of timekeeping globally, even though some cultures still retain traditional names for the days of the week based on local customs and religious practices.
The following explores the origins and spiritual meanings associated with the days of the week:
1. Sunday:
Sunday is named after the Sun and has a significant connection to solar worship. In many ancient cultures, the Sun was considered a powerful deity and associated with light, warmth, and life. The day holds spiritual significance in numerous religions, including Christianity, where it is traditionally observed as the day of worship and rest.
The Sun hold the masculine energy. This energy is seen a steadfast, consistent, unwavering.
The Sun as life source is an incessant flow of essential love energy, enlightening our consciousness, revealing that we are part of Supreme Consciousness.
2. Monday:
Monday is derived from the Old English word "Monandæg," which means "Moon's day." The day is associated with lunar worship and the Moon's influence on human emotions and fertility. In various mythologies, the Moon represents femininity, intuition, and cycles of life.
Interestingly in many Eastern Monastery’s Mondays are observed as a day of fasting. Monday is seen as the day to connect to the angels and realise angelic life.
This is a day to be reflective, creative, to dream and to trust your intuition. It is not a great day to start the working week! The way our Monday goes effects our whole week…our emotions are deeply connected to the moon.
3. Tuesday:
Tuesday comes from the Old English word "Tiwesdæg," named after the Norse god Tyr or Tiu, who was associated with war and justice. Tyr was considered a brave and righteous deity, Tuesday is associated with the planet Mars This is a day of energy, action, determination and desire.
Tuesday is the day to get work done, to face the to do list head on and trust that you are supported in achieving your goals. You must however be clear on what it is you want to achieve.
Begin this day making a plan of battle and then step forward knowing you are supported with the wisdom of Týr.
4. Wednesday:
Wednesday is named after the Norse god Odin or Woden, also known as Mercury in Roman mythology. Odin was associated with wisdom, magic, and poetry.
Wednesday is a day for communication, intellect, and learning.
The Mercury energy of this day allows for quick thinking, possibilities, opinions, reasoning and makes it a good day to rationalise things. Mercurial energy can be good or bad, but it is always energising, it is after all seen as the hump day.
Remember the communication we are invited to be aware of is with our inner communication and our outer communication. Pay attention to all conversations and spend time tidying your inbox!
5. Thursday:
Thursday is derived from the Old English word "Þūnresdæg," named after the Norse god Thor, associated with thunder and strength. Thor was considered a protector and defender.
Thursday is associated with the planet Jupiter. Thursday represents knowledge, power, expansion, and good fortune. This is a day to explore your faith and optimism. It is important to be aware of your thoughts and your actions as both your positive and negative thoughts can be expanded.
Thursday is a good day to work on manifestation.
6. Friday:
Friday is named after the Norse goddess Frigg or Freya, associated with love, beauty, and fertility. In Roman mythology, Friday was associated with Venus, the goddess of love. Friday symbolises relationships, harmony, and creativity.
This is a day to assess your values, including your relationship with finances and material possessions. It is also the day to explore what brings you pleasure, it is the day to go out with friends and be sociable let your hair down and ask for what you want. Live life fully.
7. Saturday:
Saturday originates from the Latin word "dies Saturni," meaning "day of Saturn." Saturn was the Roman god of agriculture, liberation, and time. Saturday represents discipline, structure, and responsibility. It is a day to take self responsibility.
This is the best day to get things done and me efficient. It used to be seen as the day to get the housework done! It is a great day to plan for the week ahead and prepare yourself and your home.