naam niranjan neer naraa-in.
rasnaa simrat paap bilaa-in. ||1||
naaraa-in sabh maahi nivaas.
naaraa-in ghat ghat pargaas.
naaraa-in kahtay narak na jaahi.
naaraa-in sayv sagal fal paahi. ||1||
naaraa-in man maahi aDhaar.
naaraa-in bohith sansaar.
naaraa-in kahat jam bhaag palaa-in.
naaraa-in dant bhaanay daa-in. ||2||
naaraa-in sad sad bakhsind.
naaraa-in keenay sookh anand.
naaraa-in pargat keeno partaap.
naaraa-in sant ko maa-ee baap. ||3||
naaraa-in saaDhsang naraa-in.
baaraN baar naraa-in gaa-in.
basat agochar gur mil lahee.
naaraa-in ot naanak daas gahee.
naam niranjan neer naraa-in.
rasnaa simrat paap bilaa-in. ||1||
naaraa-in sabh maahi nivaas.
naaraa-in ghat ghat pargaas.
naaraa-in kahtay narak na jaahi.
naaraa-in sayv sagal fal paahi. ||1||
naaraa-in man maahi aDhaar.
naaraa-in bohith sansaar.
naaraa-in kahat jam bhaag palaa-in.
naaraa-in dant bhaanay daa-in. ||2||
naaraa-in sad sad bakhsind.
naaraa-in keenay sookh anand.
naaraa-in pargat keeno partaap.
naaraa-in sant ko maa-ee baap. ||3||
naaraa-in saaDhsang naraa-in.
baaraN baar naraa-in gaa-in.
basat agochar gur mil lahee.
naaraa-in ot naanak daas gahee.
13 Moons Healers Training
187hr Kundalini Meditation Teacher Training
Meditation Australia Certified
This training will qualify you as a Kundalini Meditation Teacher, specialising in womens physiology and energy healing.
It will provide you with pathways for work and employment in meditation, circle facilitation as an energy healer with Reiki and Subtle Body healing.
As a Reiki Master you can teach and attune others to the ancient healing art of Reiki.
You will be equiped to work independently in your own private practice, within other organisations or to establish and grow long term, wellbeing communities.
This training is a core program of our Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training and can be taken as a pathway to completing this program.​
Our 2024 training will be held in Samford Valley (Bribane) and is live-streamed (and recorded) online, so you can participate from anywhere in the world.
Enrolment Information
This 187hr Healer Training is not being offered in 2025 and will now be offered as a 250hr+ training instead. You can find the full course information here.
• 187hr Kundalini Meditation Teacher
• Reiki 1, 2 and Master
• Subtle Body Energy Healer
• 162 CPD upon certification
Meditation Australia
Yoga Alliance International Registry
• Continuing Professional Development
• Associate Yoga Teacher working towards qualification
Samford Valley (Brisbane) & Online
This training is delivered over thirteen single day retreats programs aimed to give you an embodied understanding of the fundamentals of meditation, from the kundalini yoga lineage perspective. You will master the healing capacity coming from a meditative state with a foundation in womens circles and the fundamentals of a meditative and healing capacity of the woman as a householder.
Kundalini Meditation You will learn the history of meditation, kundalini energy & yoga. The healing power of pranayama, mudras and bhandas together with understanding anatomy of meditation through the nervous system, glanduar system & immune system. You will also learn the anatomy of energy - through the chakras and the 10 Bodies and how they relate to your personal Tantric Numerology.
You receive a complete manual of meditations for working as a Kundalini Meditation Teacher and with an overview of working within the seasons and cycles and the cycles of the moon.
Subtle Body Healing The art of applying kundalini meditations to attain a heightened state of being to heal through the quantum subtle realms.
Reiki Healing You will receive your reiki attunements through our uniquely curated rituals, held in the energy of sacred mantras and meditation & ceremony. Your first attunement is where you receive the teachings of Reiki from your lineage and you are attuned to the flow of reiki energy to start working with Self Healing, your space and belongings, plants & pets. Your second Reiki Attunement teaches you how to perform full body physical healings on others & via distance plus marma Point Healing techniques. At this stage you will start working with a partner to practice distance healings and you're taught how to establish an energy healing business practice.
Everyone in this program is invited and encouraged to complete the final Reiki Attunement - Reiki Master and is the final ritual of the Healers Training. At this stage you are working as an energy healer and will be taught how to teach reiki to and connect others to the reiki source. You will learn how to hold an attunement ritual and the business of working as a master reiki energy healer.
If you are already attuned to Reiki, these rituals will serve you as a powerful healing and re-initiation into the sacred art of reiki healing. You will also receive a 13 Moons ceremonial guide to Attunements as a Reiki Master.
As a circle facilitator you will receive an understanding the cycles of nature and the seasons, in nature and through cosmology for class & workshop theming, working with the phases of the Moon, understanding how emotional and physical anatomy correlates to the zodiac and how we work with this in Kundalini Meditations & Healing.
The program also includes prosperity & business workshops to support you in establishing or continuing your healer & kundalini yoga & meditation community business. Includes a private online group to connect with Leila & Sam and other members of the training for ongoing support, Q&A and to hep get you started in your business or practice as a womens kundalini meditation teacher & healer.
You will receive printed hard copies of your manuals on the first day of training.
Your online learning portal will have all of your course information, downloads, zoom links & class recordings. You will have access to course resources & recordings from the date you enrol until April 1, 2025 and then the course portal will be closed down.
If you are unable to join the Reiki Attunements on the date set you can arrange for a private attunement with us at a fee of $120. For late enrolments, we will need to organise a time outside of the training to complete your Reiki One Attunement.
There is an $88 late printing fee for the course manual.
The 13 Moons Healers training is a
self initiation into healing and community leadership through kundalini meditation.
March 23
The First Kundalini Initiation & Reiki One Attunement - you must be present live either in person or on zoom for the attunement. Late enrolments please see the notes above for your Reiki Attunement.
April 20
Introduction to Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
May 11
Subtle Body Healing
June 1
Immune System, Endocrine (Glandular) System & Nervous System
June 15
Subtle Sacred Anatomy: The Chakras
July 13
Subtle Sacred Anatomy: 10 Bodies & Tantric Numerology
August 3
Reiki Two Attunement & Commencing a Business Practice as a Healer - you must be present live either in person or on zoom for the attunement.
August 24
Subtle Sacred Anatomy: Vayus, Nadis, Meridians, Tattvas, Gunas & Doshas
September 7
Moon Centres & Celestial Communications
October 5
Yogic Philosophy
October 26
Naad - Sacred Sound & Mantra
November 9
Long Ek Ong Kar Meditation & Emerging as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher. Please note this retreat will commence at 6am and complete at 5pm.
November 23
Reiki Three Attunement - Becoming a Reiki Master & Graduation - you must be present live either in person or on zoom for the attunement.
You will receive this course in your learning portal to begin as soon as you enrol. The recordings must be completed by November 29 in order to Graduate.
Modules are online and can be completed at any time.
> Business in the Aquarian Age & Realising Your Business Identity
> Visioning & Identifying your Mission
> Working with Money for Prosperity
> Architecture of Your Brand
> A Prosperity Approach Marketing & Social Media Marketing
> Your Business Ecosystem
This training is delivered live, in real time, during the training sessions held in Brisbane, AEST. As such this is a dynamic and interactive online delivery model. You will be a member of the retreat, from the zoom classroom and will be engaged directly with Sam & Leila throughout the training. For group work you will be paired off with either the teachers or with a member of the online training in a zoom breakout room. This delivery model supports you to feel included and a member of the learning community.
If you are unable to attend any sessions online the recordings will be available 24hrs after the training in the online learning portal. To receive your certifications we ask that you attend most of the claesses in real time with us.
You will also need to be present online for all reiki attunements.
All prices Inc GST
Certificates can only be issued if course fees are settled in full.
Save $100
With the upfront payment discount
upfront deposit
Then weekly payments apportioned over the duration of the training. Total $2,395
Do I need to have practiced Kundalini Yoga or Meditation to join?We highly recommend at least 12 months of a regular yoga or meditation practice (does not have to be kundalini yoga specifically). However, we receive all students individually. Please complete an enrolment form and we will connect with you to discuss whether this training would be available for you to complete.
Is this training Kundalini Yoga as originally taught by Yogi BhajanYes. Both Sam and Leila are KRI Trained Kundalini Yoga teachers and they both deliver Kundalini Yoga as it was received by them in their time spent learning under the Kundalini Yoga Reasarch Institute. This training is not a KRI training, however we remain true to the lineage of Kundalini Yoga as it was orignially taught by Yogi Bhajan.
How does learning Reiki online work?We have many students that join online from rural Australia and overseas. All of the trainings are delivered live and in real time via zoom so you receive your reiki training with us in real time. The Reiki attunements are done via Zoom in real time also where we can see you and work with the symbols into your energy field. As Reiki is a Quantum energy exchange it is often more powerful to receive your attunement in this way as we are working in the quantum field, which exists outside of space and time. The first attunement into Reiki One is learning how to use reiki for yourself and in your personal space so after the first retreat when you receive this attunement, we will teach you how to do this and you are encouraged to practice working with the reiki symbols each month before we come back together. The second attunement into Reiki Two is where you receive the distance healing symbol and the emotional healing symbol, at which stage we will teach you how to use reiki energy in the quantum realms. At this level you start to work with healing on other people in person and via distance and as part of the training this is where we encourage you to begin to offer healings for people and can start to develop your business practice. The final stage - Reiki Master is where you will complete a number of in person and distance healings to qualify for the certification, and the Reiki Master attunement is also completed via Zoom in real time. This is the level where you are qualified to start to attune and teach others reiki.
I am already a yoga / meditation teacher - will I benefit from this training?Yes! Absolutely. Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, Reiki Healing and Subtle Body healing are all advanced aspects to the practice of Yoga. As a practitioner of yoga or meditation you will receive a deeper appreciation for Kriya Yoga, Mantra, Chanting, Energetic Anatomy and how it applies to universal forces including Astrology & Numerology. We cover in great depth the Nervous System, Glandular System, Immune System and Female Reproductive System to give you a powerful insight into the future of wellbeing and modern illnesses caused by stress and the digital technology era. Moreover, as this is a womens yoga teacher training you will be receiving the yogic science for womens physical, mental, emotional and energetic anatomy not taught in modern yoga teacher trainings.
I am already a Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher - will I benefit from this training?Yes! Absolutely you will. This training covers the basics taught in your original KYTT and we go into far more detail and depth of meditation & mantra in the kundalini meditations that you will not have experienced. This training will allow you to deepen your personal practice, or perhaps even help you to rediscover the flame you once held for kundalini yoga and reuinte your relationship to your practice. You will discover a new community of yoga practitioners who whill unite with you on this journey. You will receive your Reiki One and Two attunements which can be applied in your classes. We also open you up to Subtle Body Healing, which is a healing modality available to those working with the kundalini energy for deep and profound personal healing and the ability to work as a professional healer.
Can I join one of the other modules first, and then complete the full training later?"Yes. There is no specific order to complete the 350hr qualification and you can enrol at any one of the program entry points.
What happens if I can't attend the course any longer?Refunds will not be granted automatically after the course has started. We expect that you have carefully chosen your teacher training journey and your commitment before enrolling. You will be responsible for a $1000 non refundable deposit plus the total costs of all retreats and attunements received to the date of your withdrawal. If your course fees are paid in full and you would like to pause your enrolment you will retain access to the learning portal and offered a place in the next training that is offered, however we cannot guarantee dates and access to future trainings.
Samford Accomodation
Samford Valley is approx 35 minutes from the Brisbane CBD.
Coming from the Brisbane Airport? Catch the train to Ferny Grove Train station and then it's a short Taxi or Uber to your accomodation. Alternatively you can taxi from the airport.
There are a number of mountain retreat stay houses and country cottages within 10 - 20 minute drive from our studio. We have suggested a few here for you to explore and book.
There are also a range of AirBNB options here
About Sam Lindsay-German & Leila McKail
We are both mothers who are raising seven children between us who age between 6 to 21 years of age.
We are both Kundalini and Hatha Yoga teachers who share a unique style of yoga with women on trainings and in our classes in Samford (Sam) and Tamborine Mountain (Leila).
It is through our ongoing weekly connection with women at our classes, circles and on our trainings that we've come to experience the burning desire in women to rekindle with the ancient wisdom passed down from generation to generation of grandmothers, mothers and daughters. And to live life as a woman deeply connected to our intuition and anchored in conscious personal truth.
It is through our own experiences as mothers and honouring of our womanhood that has ignited a our desire to teach and lead other women. So that we may all collectively come together in kindness, support and unconditional love for our selves, families, partners, children, communities and ultimately the heart centred evolution of humanity.